
Getting to Know your Partner
My name is Roland Kienzler, I am Swiss and born and raised in the Basel region.
Since 2019, I have been actively involved in supporting small and large companies as the Founder of HumanWork Consulting. I was privileged to bring in my best knowledge and experience in the areas of Business & People like: Strategy, Structure, Culture, Leadership Development, Digitalization & Transformation, Business & Executive Coaching.
I am a Supervisory Board Member and actively involved in several advisory boards. I am a passioned Lecturer for Business, Leadership, and People related topics, especially around (Digital-) Transformation and the Human side of Business. And a passionate Coach with a basic belief that we only grow at the borders of our Personality.
My Background & Education:
I obtained a Global Executive MBA with dual degrees from the University of St. Gallen (MBA-HSG) and the University of Toronto (MBA UfT). I studied law at the University of Basel, then obtained master’s degrees in Corporate Communication Management (FHNW), and Human Capital Management (ZHAW) which I deepened with a certificate as a Digital Transformation Officer (ZFU).
Recently I added Certificates with MIT on Platform Technologies, Design Thinking, and Leadership to support my drive of eternal learning.
As Executive Coaching and the work with people became a big part of my work as a Consultant in the last months, I added some Coaching Certificates with WEBECS, EMCC and ICF.
My Professional Experience:
From 2005-2018, as CHRO and Member of the Executive Board, I supported the growth of the globally active Endress+Hauser Group, the well-known and family-owned automation technology company with around 14’000 associates in over 120 countries.
After 3 years working in Intellectual Property Rights, I began my career in Human Resources Management in 1998 as Head of HR and Management Development at the Feldschlösschen Group in Rheinfelden, Switzerland (Brewery), before moving to myonic in Biel, Switzerland as Group HR and Communications Manager (Technology & Production), and from 2003 to the position of Senior HR Manager Global Functional Groups at Novartis Pharma AG (Life Science) at its headquarters in Basel, Switzerland.
- Humanity Driven Entrepreneur & Enterprise Architect
- Transformation Advisor
- Business & Executive Coach
… with a passion for people related topics
Professional Experience

The best solutions for your company organization
- We co-create your Leadership-, Team- and Organizational Capabilities for sustainable competitive advantage
- We support you to Build and Re-Invent your organization to take the right investment decisions for your future success
- We guide your Digital Transformation to work successfully
- We help you to identify your Potential and support the development of New Skills & Capabilities with latest learning approaches.
- We help you to grow your Personality and offer Executive & Business Coaching for your individual needs

We offer solutions which are Individual & Human-Centric
- We understand Humanity (Purpose, Culture, Employee Experience and Leadership) as the main differentiator for your success
- We implement Change & Personal Transition on the Human-Side of your business
- We enable people to have the best ideas coming out of themselves and believe in the Co-Creation of best in class innovations
Nimble & Agile

We offer Best fit Solutions with passion for your best outcome
- From Strategy to Implementation out of the same company and network of partners
- Experience in supporting StartUp’s, SME’s and Multinational clients, in family-owned and stock-quoted companies and many industries
- Experienced, Small, Nimble & Agile with individual solutions and proven methods for sustainable success.
Problem Solving & Need Finding

You plan to come back to work after the Corona Crises but you are not sure how to start?
You are in the middle of a Digital Transformation and inspired or even scared what digital makes possible?
You embarked from being digital to becoming digital?
Or you want to re-invent your current business or (HR-) department?
You want to change and re-start your Life and look for orientation?
Then we should meet and discuss where I can add value to you personally or your business!
I believe in the human-side of Change and support Individuals and Organizations in their approach to Transformation and Growth. From Values and Meaning to Personal Growth and from Purpose, Culture & Capabilities to Strategy and Organizational Design for your company. From the idea to the transformation until implementation.
“ I think it is about the empowerment, collaboration and skills of people but much more about the will to cope with the change!”
Publications & Memberships
My publications (short list)
- Flexible Workforce: Fit für die Herausforderungen der modernen Arbeitswelt?
Zölch/Oertig/Calabro; 1. & 2. Auflage 2019, Haupt, Bern, darin: Roland Kienzler: Herausforderungen an einen flexiblen Arbeitseinsatz, Fallbeispiel - Kompetenzmodelle in Schweizer Unternehmen
HRM Dossier Nr. 80: A. Mücke, V. Hitz 2018, darin Roland Kienzler: Ein globaler Kompetenzrahmen - HR-Governance: wirksame Führung und Aufsicht des Board- und Personalmanagements
Hilb/Oertig, 2010, Wolters Kluwer Deutschland, darin R. Kienzler (2009) Untersuchung in D-A-CH zur (funktionalen) HR Governance sowie Artikel zum Thema: Internationale Steuerung und Führung der HR-Funktion
Public Appearances / Speakers Events
- 9. Deutscher Human Resources Summit 2018, Frankfurt: Die Digitale Transformation von HR
- SGO Themenabend, 2017, Zürich, Impulsreferat: Management im anderskulturellen Umfeld Asiens
- Kienbaum Business Breakfast, 2017, Freiburg i. Br., Interaktives Referat: Praxisbeispiele aus einer (flexiblen) Arbeitswelt
- Connex HR – The alumni of HSG, 2017; Workshop zum Thema: Agile HR: Theory meets Practice
- 600 Minutes – Human Resources Chapter, 2016, Referat/Moderation: The future of HR
Memberships & Activities
- WEBECS – Certified Coach
- ICF Certified Coach
- CORE Assessment Coach
- ctalks Executive Coach
- Member of the Swiss Institute of Directors / Int. Board Foundation (EcoDa/GMDI)
- Member of the Foundation Council (tunSchweiz), Switzerland, (Promotion and Support of STEM- and Dual Education in Switzerland)
- Examining Board Member for the Federal Diploma “Eidg. Dipl. HR-Leiter” (HRSE)

My Network Partners

Looking for a new cooperation and being part of our network and ecosystem?
Contact me to start a conversation around our new potential partnership!